

Cast of Character

Charity Banks

Charity Banks is a waiter/bartender at Club David. She is thirty years old, slim, muscular and attractive. She acts masculine, but really is quite feminine. As a bartender she loves to wear flashy club wear. Charity was elected the second Goddess by her community and is Gloria's drag-daughter and longtime friend. Banks is a caring person who believes that comedy is a cure-all. Charity acts quite sophisticated, but generally, comes off as quite harsh. Underneath a cool rather collected surface, is a wild rage that sits idle and controlled.
Gloria Swansong

Gloria is drag mother to many queens and is aspiring to become Goddess again, having reign as the first Goddess some thirteen years ago. She is known for the extremes of good and bad she has been rumored to have done. She is viewed as a warm person and is always entertaining. Really, she is quite sad alone and caught in a physical and emotional trap. We are never sure if we are seeing a remnant of a once kind, gentle, giving person. Gloria has learned by experience and uses that knowledge to manipulate new queens, street boys and her audience. She is in his late forties/fifties, is a heavy smoker and drinker. Her drag is expressed as a Hollywood movie star from the 1920s to 40s; rich, glamorous and aging.
Leana Bitt

Leana is living with Doug, she is a friend of Charity and is the current 'queen in training' for Gloria. Leana is a follower who appears to be in the lead; youthful energy. She is driven to be becoming popular. Leana is always 'on'. She appears very androgynous in 'day wear' and on stage is an excellent performer. Inside, she is unsure of how the world sees her, which results in a defensive, somewhat grating personality, constantly seeking approval. These more negative traits are often magnified as tasteless and vulgar but are strongly offset by shear talent and gorgeousness.

Patty Melt

Patty has a youthful and innocent face and can be between twenty to forty years of age. She is heavily into astrology and lives by astrological charts. Patty is fat and has always been throughout her life. Her physical situation affects her emotionally and is generally withdrawn. Patty wants to be the next elected Goddess for some very personal and honest reasons. There is a methodical tempo to her character, which might appear to be a handicap or slight mental illness (pills?). In reality Patty is being extra caution all the time, not wanting to make the slightest error - over thinking everything. On stage she exhibits a bubbling personality that is remarkably different from her off stage character; withdrawn and shy. She has a street toughness and is always on guard for disparaging comments. Behind this facade, she's warm, caring and concerned.


Doug is about thirty years old, husky, masculine and ruggedly handsome. He speaks in an uneducated and uncultured manner. Doug is a recovering drug addict/alcoholic. He tries to help others with the knowledge gained in counseling while working to get his life under control. On the surface Doug may appear harsh and crude, but in reality he is rather gentle and honest, exuding warmth and passion. As his character develops, we see Doug is a problem solver. He has a way of seeing the source of issues and enjoys leading from behind (wing beneath the wing syndrom). He is ready to take on all challenges and prides himself in being a 'jack of all trades'.
Chorus Members
An Off Stage voice.
Act One Scene One / Off Stage Voice:
A drunken customer. Costumed in black & an exaggerated mask.

Act Two Scene Four / Non-speaking Role:
Page brings an important prop on stage for the final scene. Costumed in black, with drag accents & an exaggerated mask.